As cats age, it’s important to make sure they stay mentally and physically stimulated through their senior years. Playtime is an important part of caring for older cats and can help keep them active as they age. Not only can playtime provide physical benefits – for example it can help to maintain muscle mass, and
Category: Products
As our furry friends age they require specialized attention to ensure that their nutritional needs are being met. This is especially important for senior cats since the effects of aging might result in decreased activity levels and dietary changes. Fortunately, there are many supplements available on the market today that can help your cat stay
As our feline friends age, they often have trouble getting around like they used to. Whether they’re suffering from arthritis, dementia, or one of the other medical conditions cats can suffer from as they age, you need to be more careful with the products you buy your cats when they become older. That includes buying
Declawing is an inhumane way to prevent cats from scratching. If you didn’t know that before you read this, I hope you take that away from this article. When a cat is declawed, it’s not like the nail itself is simply removed – it’s not like when you have a chronic ingrown toenail removed and