Throughout the course of their lives, long-haired cats typically require a lot more maintenance than shorter-haired cats. It’s not uncommon for long-haired cats to get burrs or food stuck in their fur. Good ownership of a long-haired cat means frequent brushing and occasionally cutting out stuff that might get stuck in their fur. As your
Due to better nutrition, veterinary and home care, cats are living much longer now than was the case 20 years ago. Cats are considered to be elderly once they reach 11 years with the definition of senior cats defined as those aged between 11 to 14 years and super seniors as 15 years and upwards.
A senior cat is peeing outside of the litter box is, unfortunately, a common complaint among cat owners. If you’ve noticed your older cat has started peeing around the house, this can be a frustrating experience. Your cat may have always used to their litter box as they were supposed to, but now all of
From time to time, you might need to give a senior cat a bath. Younger cats typically have no problems keeping their fur clean. Cats care about the cleanliness of their fur and will spend lots of time grooming themselves. As your cat gets older, you might notice they’re grooming themselves less. This can for
Many people don’t think about what they should be feeding a senior cat. This is a big mistake, as older cats have different nutritional needs than younger cats. If you have a cat over 7 years old, it’s suggested you reevaluate their diet and make a few changes. These changes might vary depending on any
A lot of people underestimate how much work it is to introduce a senior cat to a kitten or a younger cat. Your resident cat likely is used to their typical way of life, and suddenly shaking up their routine by adding a new family member cat cause a lot of stress. This doesn’t mean
Declawing is an inhumane way to prevent cats from scratching. If you didn’t know that before you read this, I hope you take that away from this article. When a cat is declawed, it’s not like the nail itself is simply removed – it’s not like when you have a chronic ingrown toenail removed and
A question I hear a lot is what the best thing to feed senior cats is. I’ve heard a lot of people ask whether kitten food, such as Wellness Complete Health Kitten food or Royal Canin Kitten food, are safe and nutritious enough to feed older cats. This answer really depends on your cat. There
Kidney disease is a common ailment in cats as they age. When a cat’s kidneys are healthy, they work to manage blood pressure, stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood cells, make hormones, and remove waste from the blood. As a cat ages though, the kidneys can become damaged, and all these processes
My 7 year old cat, Dobby, was diagnosed with what I was told was type 1 diabetes when she was just a year old. My vet told me that she was the youngest cat he’d ever diagnosed, and he didn’t expect her to ever be off insulin. If you’ve ever owned a diabetic cat, you